In-School Alternative Program

The In-School Alternative Program provides a comprehensive program of individualized educational, psychological and social services to youth who have been recommended for a temporary alternative placement by their school district. Typically, these placements range from 20 - 45 school days and the In-School Alternative Program is housed within the student's traditional school.

Our In-School Alternative Programs are supervised by a Masters Level Program director and run by Bachelor's Level Youth Interventionists. Each program provides direct services in the form of:

  • Academic support
  • Community Service
  • Character Education
  • Behavior Modification
  • Restorative Practices

In-School Alternative Intervention services are time limited. Once the student has completed the program and is recommended for transition forward to their regular class schedule, a transition plan will be developed, unique to the student's social and academic needs, to ensure proper readjustment and stabilization.

Kent Alternative Placement Program Staff Directory

Jessica Philippe

Program Director


Niyah Padin

Administrative Assistant

Michelle Anderson

Behavior Interventionist

Grayson Wise

Behavior Interventionist
